Monday 5 July 2010


I punched a goat.
I punched it in the throat. I punched it then wrote
"I punched a goat"
on the wall near your moat.
on the way home from the moat I saw a stoat, I said
"I punched a goat". I cleared my throat
and then said again to the stoat
"I punched a goat"
the stoat said nothing so I punched it in it's throat
I punched it then wrote
"I punched a stoat" on a nearby boat.
It's probably your boat, now that I think of it, I mean it's moored by your moat so it must be your boat.
Shit, was that your stoat ?
I know it wasn't your goat, because I think someone punched it in the throat. I saw your goat, Derek, and he was fine.
I'm planning to punch that goat again, but I'm building a wooden puncher so I can punch that goat by remote.
Punch it in it's stupid throat.
I hate that goat.

1 comment:

pBn said...

well that's just...great.

hamstropolis prisoner

by aBowman